Internationally acclaimed fine artist living in Texas, USA with works owned by multiple celebrities and worldwide corporations such as Microsoft, FedEx, BMW, Porsche and Ferrari to name a handful. Thirty-four years full-time artist after leaving the architecture profession behind. Although the focus is on commissioned fine art, over a million dollars has been raised by painting live at many charity galas such as The National Guard Youth Foundation, St Jude's Children's Hospital and United Way. Paintings have sold for $50,000 USD, four times for $40,000 and many times for $10,000 and up.
Countries sold to include the USA, Canada, Italy, Spain, Germany, England, Venezuela, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and South Africa.
Although known for depicting motion and emotion in various racing paintings, other areas of interest are motorcycles, vintage cars, skiing, sailing, flying, cycling, tennis, football, hockey, soccer, wrestling, boxing, soccer, baseball, equestrian riding, western themes, dancing. Then, on the quieter side, weddings, landscapes and abstracts. Paintings are often recognizable by the array of colors combined.